Friday, August 26, 2005

Mars Hoax

I am sure you would have received an Email about Mar's close encounter with Earth on 27th August, and reading that did you remain awake last night waiting to see the spectacular Red Planet being the second moon of earth for the night. Well I was going to do just that, but then a thought stuck me. "If such a big event is going to happen, how come none of the news channels are not reporting it"? When I shared my thought with my roommates who were also eagerly waiting to see Mars, they suggested lets search on the net about this. A simple search for "Mars Hoax" on Google turned up about 186,000 results in 0.33 seconds. We had to read only the first link to know the truth that the whole thing is a host. It makes an interesting reading NASA - Beware the Mars Hoax

Hoax mails filling up our mail boxes is not something new, and I guess its not going to end anytime too. Some diligently read such mails and forward them to 10, 20 or all the people in their address book, hoping for some kind of good luck or a windfall or even save planet earth! Well next time you come across any such mail, before you believe it why not check it out on Hoax Busters, you might just find out that your mail is a listed hoax, as the Mars Mail is !!



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