Monday, August 08, 2005

Return to Flight (GodSpeed Discovery)

I had started writing this post a day before the Launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery, to commomerate the two and half years of hard work put in by the managers, engineers, technicians and others concerned with the Herculean task of restarting the space missions. These missions had ground to a halt after the explosion of Space Shuttle Columbia. Somehow I was not able to complete the post, and next day the take off Discovery had some problems, similar to those of Space Shuttle Columbia because of which I did not have the heart to write anything further on this. Subsequent to that a lot of developments have taken place. There have been three space walks, and the Gap filler which was exposed during the take off and could have caused excessive heat and burning during re-entry has been removed. Now the Discovery with its seven crew members is on its way back and re-entry is scheduled at 4.46am(EDT) which is 2.16pm(IST). Let us all wish luck to Flight commander Elieen Collins and the six crew members on board for a safe return home.

GodSpeed Discovery

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